A boss only sits back and gives orders while a leader guides. When working in a team, I believe, being a leader is a great responsibility for anyone when they are a part of a team. A leader in a group should always be an encouraging guide to those who are working with them. Every group needs a person to guide them, appraise them, and coach them with everything they need help with. It means a leader should always keep a teamwork environment and always have a goal set in mind as to how the group will achieve their goal.
I believe the leader needs to be a great observant who can share their knowledge with the team members, who can provide assistance at any time, and who can always provide good appraisal when necessary. A group can accomplish so much when there is a positive and model leader present.
When problems arise, a leader will need to stay cooperative and patient while solving the issues in front of them. The leader will need to show how appropriate team behaviour looks like while working with their team. Collaborating with everyone is never easy because not everyone thinks alike, everyone has different personality traits. The leader does not have to be like them as long as they are cooperative and willing to provide good behaviour. If the leader can show its team members how he/she can keep the group stable and organized, and if he/she can lead them to achieve their goal; this will definitely benefit them all in a great manner.
Guffey, M. E.,
Rhodes, K., & Rogin, P. (2008). Ethical Responsibilities of Group Members
and Leaders. In M. E. Guffey, K. Rhodes, & P. Rogin, Business
Communication Process and Product - Sixth Canadian Edition (p. 49). South-Western,
a part of Cengage Learning.