Friday, May 30, 2014

No More Social Loafing!

Social loafing, this concept basically describes people who join a group and end up placing less effort in group projects knowing that the work is divided evenly; instead they should be assuming responsibilities of the work provided and putting in their share of work along with the group. So in this blog of mine, I will do my best to explain in detail the ethical responsibilities everyone should understand before joining a group.

I understand that many people assume responsibilities and follow through when they join a group but this blog will be for those certain people that still need some knowledge about ethical behaviour. Some people do not come through with their responsibilities and I am sure many people have gone through this situation with their group members. 

I myself have had bad history with group members in the past; I was stuck with these under-achieving students who would do the bare minimum and sometimes not do anything at all. Forget not paying attention, they would not even show up to attend the classes; I did not expect to work with students like that and I wish no one goes through that. I remember I had to do their work for them and received good grades with their names removed from the assignment. It was tough! So now I take interest in explaining to others how one should behave in a group; it is important to understand some concepts of group behavior and responsibilities. Every week, on this blog, I will list and thoroughly explain multiple ethical responsibilities of group members so there will no longer be social loafing.

Guffey, M. E., Rhodes, K., & Rogin, P. (2008). Ethical Responsibilities of Group Members and Leaders. In M. E. Guffey, K. Rhodes, & P. Rogin, Business Communication Process and Product - Sixth Canadian Edition (p. 49). South-Western, a part of Cengage Learning.

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